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2018 Freelancer work

Client: JUA technology, Start-up


Role: Help the Jua technology design the look, feel, and user experience of  of smart agricultural products such as Dehytray using renewable energy sources 

Outcome: The industrial design of the sun-drying tray, including its size, shape, color, and materials, as well as the user experience, including how to use, and deliver the product

The DEHYTRAY™ is a solar-powered tray designed for efficient food drying. It was carefully developed with a focus on essential factors like ergonomics, portability, aesthetics, and the needs of small growers. The tray ensures high-quality dried crops, ease of manufacturing, and scalable distribution.

With strategically placed vents on the floor and side walls, the DEHYTRAY™ maximizes heat flow and facilitates moisture removal during the drying process. This design creates an optimal environment by quickly elevating temperatures, making it ideal for drying food in a clean and hygienic way for homes and small to medium-sized growers.




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We examined optimal size and number of holes for efficient drying. For smaller (larger) trays, I increased (decreased) the size while decreased (increased) the number of holes. At the same time, the total number of holes is dependent on the underlying pattern.

Drying Efficiency Test


Temperatures in the DEHYTRAY™ increase by two-folds over the ambient, thereby increasing drying rates by up to 24 to 36 hours compared with open-air sun drying

Humidity levels inside the drying chamber are decreased by the high temperatures, thereby enhancing drying quality

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Dehytray embodies our commitment to smart and stylish designs that tackle pressing global issues. It addresses three key challenges of the 21st century: fighting food insecurity, poverty, and reducing greenhouse gases through renewable energy. These values promote the well-being of small growers, the health of the planet, and a business strategy centered on shared prosperity.


The tray features a protective cover that selectively allows light transmission while safeguarding the product from theft by animals and dust. This ensures a clean and hygienic drying environment for top-notch dried products. The top vent controls temperature and humidity, aiding moisture removal. The tray body is made of FDA-approved food contact material, and its black color enhances heat absorption and radiation for swift drying.

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Injection molded product using a polypropylene copolymer that meets FDA standards for food contact applications. Non-absorbent material that is easy to clean in accordance  with Health Departments food equipment sanitary requirements.


Dehytray has been carried out in Senegal, Kenya, Nigeria, and Tajikistan, and in the USA (Indiana, Georgia, California). Dehytray is also being field tested for use in South Africa, Peru, Nicaragua, and Ghana. Crops include tomato, green leafy vegetables, okra, mint, apples, plantain, yams, herbs, and spices.

" Dehytray is to ensure food security with profitability in small grower agriculture by reducing food losses and wastage using innovative technologies that harness renewable energy to dry foods into high-quality shelf-stable food products. Positively impacting lives is central to Dehytray. "

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